Gallery of Drawings Berkeley CA 1984-87

The two sets of drawings exhibited here were designed in idle moments in Berkeley's coffee shops and libraries as I was putting together the monthly issues of Ferment
Some of them eventually became the covers of Ferment Press books.
People tell me that they like them, so there must be something to them.

Let’s take a pleasant stroll along the canal, and I will show you the attractions of the town

The Moon wished to come down to Earth and reign. But the Tree of Misfortune, that is watered by the grieving of mothers of lost or deceased children, whose roots extend to the center of the world, has entangled the Moon in the tresses of its sinewy branches.

There is a land wherein so many varieties of trees thrived together,that, long ago, Mankind despaired of classifying them. And fled!!

The serpent has climbed into the tree that has been standing since the beginning of creation; while the rock, knowing of all things that have happened and will happen, is vexed because this heralds many catastrophes that will engulf Mankind. Yet, beneath its anxiety, the rock abides in peace, as it knows that everything must end as it began, swallowed up in the Great Void

The tree blushes for shame, for the cloud loves it. Indeed the tree is pleased, but dare not reveal its satisfaction. Yet beneath the tree, the flowers wilt with embarrassment; and a jealous moon off to the right, peeping out from a crack in the sky, is indignant at what she is seeing. But there is nothing he can do!

The fertile road leading back to the womb of Rebirth-Outside-Of-Time, crings in the silence of the God whose face is rusted copper.

Ballroom Dance

5.Bleak Sunscape

Domestic Dramas

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