Promenade 9

Structure and Form - or the Voice of Things

Without intention on my part this "Avant-Propos" is turning, bit by bit, into a kind of formal presentation of my opus, designed above all for the non-mathematical reader. I'm too involved by now to change orientations, so I'll just plug ahead and try to bring all these "presentations" to an end! All the same, I'd like to say at least a few words on the substance of these "fabulous great ideas" ( otherwise called "master themes") which I've depicted in the precedeing pagves. as well as something about the nature of this proclaimed "vision" within which these master themes are floating about. Without availaling myself of a highly technical language the most I can do is invoke the image of an intense sort of flux ( if in fact one can speak of 'invoking' something)....(*)
Although this image must remain "fluid" does not mean that it isn't accurate, or that it doesn't faithfully convey something essential of the thing contemplated ( in this case my opus). Conversely, it is possible to make a representation of something that is static and clear that can be highly distorted or touch only on its superficial aspects. Therefore, if you are "taken" by what I see as the essence of my work, ( and something of that "image" abiding in me must have been communicated to you), you can flatter yourself to have grasped more about it than any of my learned colleagues!
It is traditional to distinguish three kinds of "qualities" or "aspects" of things in the Universe which adapt themselves to mathematical reflections. These are (1) Number(**); (2) Magnitude and (3) Form
By this is meant the "natural numbers" o,1,2,3, etc., or (at most) the numbers ( such as rational fractions) which are expressed in terms of them by the elementary operations. These numbers cannot, (as can the "real numbers") be used to measure quantities subject to continuous variation, such as the distance between two arbitrary points on a straight line, in a plane or in space.
One can also speak of them as the "arithmetical aspect", the "metric aspect" and the "geometric aspect" of things. In most of the situations studied in mathematics, these three aspects are simultaneously present in close interaction. Most often, however, one finds that one or another of them will predominate. It's my impression that for most mathematicians its quite clear to them ( for those at least who are in touch with their own work) if they are "arithmeticians", "analysts", or "geometers", and this remains the case no matter how many chords they have on their violin, or if they have played at every register and diapason imaginable.

My first solitary reflections, on Measure Theory and Integration, placed me without ambiguity under the rubrique of Analysis. And this remained the same for the first of the new themes that I introduced into mathematics, ( which now appears to me to be of smaller dimensions than the 11 that followed). I entered mathematics with an "analytic bias", not because of my natural temperament but owing to "fortuitous circumstances": it was because the biggest gap in my education, both at the lycée and at the university, was precisely in this area of the "analytic aspect" of things.

The year 1955 marked a critical departure in my work in mathematics: that of my passage from "analysis" to "geometry". I well recall the power of my emotional response ( very subjective naturally); it was as if I'd fled the harsh arid steppes to find myself suddenly transported to a kind of "promised land" of superabundant richness, multipying out to infinity wherever I placed my hand in it, either to search or to gather... This impression, of overwhelming riches has continued to be confirmed and grow in substance and depth down to the present day.(*)

(*) The phrase "superabundant richness" has this nuance: it refers to the situation in which the impressions and sensations raised in us through encounter with something whose splendour, grandeur or beauty are out of the ordinary, are so great as to totally submerge us, to the point that the urge to express whatever we are feeling is obliterated.
That is to say that, if there is one thing in Mathematics which ( no doubt this has always been so) fascinates me more than anything else, it is neither "number", nor "magnitude" but above all "form". And. among the thousand and one faces that form chooses in presenting itself to our attention, the one that has fascinated me more than any other, and continues to fascinate me, is the structure buried within mathematical objects.

One cannot invent the structure of an object. The most we can do is to patiently bring it to the light of day, with humility - in making it known it is "discovered". If there is some sort of inventiveness in this work, and if it happens that we find ourselves the maker or indefatigable builder, we aren't in any sense "making" or "building" these structures. They hardly waited for us to find them in order to exist, exactly as they are! But it is in order to express, as faithfully as possible, the things that we've been detecting or discovering, to deliver up that reticent structure, which we can only grasp at, perhaps with a language no better than babbling. Thereby are we constantly driven to invent the language most appropriate to express, with increasing refinement, the intimate structure of the mathematical object, and to "construct" with the help of this language, bit by bit, those "theories" which claim to give a fair account of what has been apprehended and seen. There is a continual coming and going, uninterrupted, between the apprehension of things, and the means of expressing them, by a language in a constant state improvement, and constantly in a process of recreation, under the pressure of immediate necessity.

As the reader must have realized by now, these "theories", "constructed out of whole cloth", are nothing less than the "stately mansions" treated in previous sections: those which we inherit from our predecessors, and those which we are led to build with our own hands, in response to the way things develop. When I refer to "inventiveness" ( or imagination) of the maker and the builder, I am obliged to adjoin to that what really constitures it soul or secret nerve. It does not refer in any way to the arrogance of someone who says "This is the way I want things to be!" and ask that they attend him at his leisure, the kind of lousy architect who has all of his plans ready made in his head without having scouted the terrain, investigated the possibilities and all that is required.

The sole thing that constitutes the true "inventiveness" and imagination of the researcher is the quality of his attention as he listens to the voices of things. For nothing in the Universe speaks on its own or reveals itself just because someone is listening to it. And the most beautiful mansion, the one that best reflects the love of the true workman, is not the one that is bigger or higher than all the others. The most beautiful mansion is that which is a faithful reflection of the structure and beauty concealed within things.

Promenade 10: The new Geometry: or, the Marriage of Number and Magnitude.

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