
Earning Statement of Roy Lisker
Editor of Ferment Magazine

A half-century of progress, fiscal responsibility and public service:

An earnings statement from the Social Security Administration arrived in the mail of Saturday, June 10, 2006. Opening it, I was gratified to discover that my suspicions that the greater society endows me with non-person status are justified. Indeed, it appears that I have earned less, officially, in 50 years, than the majority of my friends earn in 6 months.

The unique delight this record has given me has to be shared by my readership. Below one will find listed the amount of taxable income per year, beginning in 1955, earned by Ferment Magazine's editor:

1955: $865
1956: 1,128
1957: $519
1958: $400
1959: $1,209
1960: $1,153
1961: $0
1962: $12
1963: $910
1964: $2,154
1965: $1,037
1966: $94
1967: $0
1968: $0
1969: $0
1970: $0
1971: $0
1972: $0
1973: $0
1974: $21
1975: $0
1976: $0
1977: $0
1978: $0
1979: $0
1980: $0
1981: $0
1982: $0
1983: $0
1984: $97
1985: $0
1986: $0
1987: $0
1988: $0
1989: $0
1990: $0
1991: $0
1992: $0
1993: $0
1995: $400
1996: $73
1997: $0
1998: $0
1999: $0
2000: $0
2001: $0
2002: $0
2003: $0
2004: $0
2005: (Not yet recorded but almost certainly $0)

The grand total is in the neighborhood of $10,070, (mathematicians rarely excel in arithmetic) .

Having satisfied yourself that my income over half a century comes to less than $202 per year, I now invite you to peruse the rest of Ferment Magazine to ascertain whether or not the laborer has been worthy of his hire.

Dr. Roy Lisker

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