Art Gallery

New!! April 12,2014

The First Cartoon Lecture
Discourse on Scientific Method, Part I

Discourse (Power Point)

Drawings from Berkeley 1984-1987

  • Artist's Book

    Livre-Objet Pour Joan Tower, April 1979

  • Text and images of the Matrix Poem Cycle
  • Lightning Crashes Around Thunder-Echoing Skies

    Matrix Poems

    1. Flautist
      (lined version)
    2. Golden Crowns
      (lined version)
    3. Rain
      (lined version)
    4. Music, Art Flowing from Sublime Sources
      (lined version)
    5. "The Sound of Music"

    Samples of my mother's artwork

    Some samples of my mother's art work.In the late 30's,Sara Starekow studied at the Pennsylvania Academy for the Fine Arts.Some of the work was commissioned by the WPA and can be found in various collections in Philadelphia and New York. She was one of the first to experiment with the new carborundum etching printmaking techniques invented by Dox Thrash and Hugh Mesibov.

    In 1936 she married Leroy Savery Weber III, also an artist. They were soon divorced, and she and I went to live with my grandparents who ran a Jewish grocery store in the north Philadelphia Kensington area. In 1948 she married again, and my name was changed from Leroy Savery Weber III to Roy Lisker.

    The first set of images are taken from the prints done in the 30'a, just before and after I was born.The Versions of some of these may be seen in the Prints Collection of the Free Library of Philadelphia, in Logan Square, the Parkway, Philadelphia.The originals were commissioned and purchased by the WPA, and are the property of the federal government.

    The second set were retrieved after her death from her home studio.

    (1)Prints from the 30's



    Irving Street, Philadelphia



    (2)Sara Lisker (1918-2000)

    My mother, my aunt, and my biological father were all graphic artists. Naturally I grew up doing all these things.

    After my mother remarried in 1948, the focus of activity shifted to music and science.

    In the 60's Sara Lisker returned to study batik textile design at the Museum School in Philadelphia. She did excellent work in this medium that was exhibited,sold and displayed about the house on Fitzwater Street.

    I put aside studies and creative work in graphic arts until 2012.However,combining poetry with visual images became a major activity in the period 1978-86.

    This first book represents the fruits of a year's study and practice in drawing.

    Book of Drawings
    November 2013

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