
Livre-Objet Pour Joan Tower

Roy Lisker

The "Livre-Objet Pour Joan Tower" is a Collage in several sections inspired by an attraction for its subject at the time, together with a great respect for the work of her contemporary music group, the Da Capo Chamber Players. Ms. Tower and I never did strike it off, but it's almost always the case that it's much better that way.

The Livre-Objet consists of:

  1. A paste-up of several pages in the format of a tall cardboard music binder

  2. A collaged concert program, put together from numerous copies of the program of the concert of the Da Capo Chamber Players at Carnegie Recital Hall, February 14, 1979

  3. The original manuscript and current Ferment Press booklet of the essay "Love and Cosmology"

  4. Sketches for a piece for voice and piano based on a technique of composition I've called the "Serial/Embed Lied"

  5. Various poetic experiments such as the Anti-Granular Poem, the Matrix Poem, the Junk Mail, etc.

  6. Several undelivered love tokens, including a scarf, book mark and New York subway token circa 1979

  1. Livre Objet Cover

  2. Livre-Objet Page 1

  3. Livre-Objet Page 2

  4. Livre-Objet Page 3

  5. Livre-Objet Page 4

  6. Mon Coeur Se Recommande A Vous, page 1

  7. Mon Coeur Se Recommande A Vous, page 2

  8. A Song from the East

  9. Livre-Objet Back Cover

  10. Portfolio Cover

  11. Enlargement of Text, Portfolio Cover

  12. Cover, "Love and Cosmology"

  13. Text of "Love and Cosmology"

  14. Da Capo Chamber Players

  15. Concert Program Cover

  16. Concert Program 2

  17. Concert Program 3

  18. Concert Program 4

  19. Concert Program 5

  20. Concert Program 6

  21. Concert Program 7

  22. Concert Program 8

  23. Concert Program 9

  24. Concert Program 10

  25. Concert Program 11

  26. Concert Program, Back Cover

  27. Sketch-Book pages for the Serial-Embed Lied:




  28. Serial-Embed Lied "Chanson du Mal-Aimé"

  29. Matrix Poem

  30. Undelivered Love Tokens:

    Scarf, Book Mark, NY subway token

    Dinner at the Russian Inn,Book mark reverse side, NY subway token reverse side

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