
New! January 6,2015

In 1998, Robbie Phillips,inspired musician of incorrigible imagination, high priest of the religion of Dognatra (a syncretism of the cults of "Dog" and "Sinatra") created this video of my recitation of the 'echo-logical' chant That Bad Bat

From the album "Greatest Hits",by the group Haley Treehouse , Robbie at the saxophone, Sammy at the keyboard.
Recorded and produced by Michael Arafeh at The Coffeehouse, Middletown, CT.

That Bad Bat

(1):On May 12th, 2012 I appeared on the radio show hosted by Steve Allison"River Valley Rhythms" (WESU FM 88.1), for an interview and poetry reading.The reading was a signal success. You can listen to it at

May 12,2012

All of the interviews with River Valley Rhythms are all proceeded by 10 minutes or so of music, invariably the theme song from "Baghdad Cafe".

(2):River Valley Rhythms, 2nd Interview, January 24, 2013:

Jan. 24,2013

(3):River Valley Rhythms, 3rd interview,February 7, 2013.

(i) A report on the activities currently in place to oppose the use of the new Boston University National Emergency Infectious Diseases Laboratory in Roxbury, Boston, for the purposes of doing BioDefense Level 3 and 4 research (Anthrax, Ebola, etc.)
(ii) Background on the scandalous and brutal dismissal of Benjamin Zander from the New England Conservatory by its president Tony Woodcock , on trumped up charges. A brief review of the debut concert of Zander's Boston Philharmonic Youth Orchestra
(iii) A reading of the first part of chapter 1 of Life and Life-Energy, a treatise on psychology based on ideas cogitated for half a century and more.Go to:

Feb. 7, 2013

(4) River Valley Rhythms, 4th interview, December 2nd, 2013:
(i) An expose of the sordid behavior of Bard College with respect to the employees of its latest act of imperialist acquisition, the Longy School of Music in Cambridge, Mass. (ii)Recitation of a satiric ballad in honor of Leon Botstein, president of Bard College (written in 1978, between spells in the Dutchess County Jail:

November 21, 2013

River Valley Rhythms, 5th Interview:October 20, 2014: Travels in Ireland and England.A week in Galway as guest of a famous sculptor. An interview granted to an English scholar about the artistic world of Dublin in the 70’s. Conversations with Danny Rosen, manager of "Boychick Bagels". 3 days in Dublin, conversation with Marion Kelly, MC of the literary blog, the Parlour Review.

England in June. Guest of billionaire financier Ilyas Kahn. Two days in Cambridge.

October 20, 2014

(6)River Valley Rhythms, 6th Interview,November 6th, 2014

(i)A week in Chicago as the guest of Louis Kauffman, knot theorist extraordinaire, and his wife, Diane (ii) Discussion of the DVD "My Architect" by Nathaniel Kahn, son of the late Louis Khan.My family was friends with a circle that included the Kahns and the sister of Estelle Kahn, Regina Sooper.

Nov. 6, 2014

Documentary and Interview on the draft card burning demonstrations of the 60's

June 27,2012: A few weeks ago a group of 5 students from Belmont High School outside of Boston, came to Middletown to conduct an interview with me about the draft card burning demonstrations of 1965.One of the students, Rosie Fatt, brought along her father, Milton Fatt, an immigration lawyer who works out of an office in Central Square, Cambridge.

The students did a first class job. The result can be seen on YouTube, at

Movement Against the War in Vietnam

(5): Recitation of "Sam,The Messiah Man" on the evening of Sunday,January 27,2010, on WESU radio FM 88.1, in Middletown, Connecticut. The first part of the podcast is preceded by 15 minutes of recorded music from the Grateful Dead and John Lee Hooker. The recitation that follows takes 40 minutes. Here is the link: Sam The Messiah Man

Sound Poetry from the CD "Language Compositions"

Sound Poetry

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