


  • Documentary and Interview on the draft card burning demonstrations of the 60's

    June 27,2012: A few weeks ago a group of 5 students from Belmont High School outside of Boston, came to Middletown to conduct an interview with me about the draft card burning demonstrations of 1965.One of the students, Rosie Fatt, brought along her father, Milton Fatt, an immigration lawyer who works out of an office in Central Square, Cambridge.

    The students did a first class job. The result can be seen on YouTube, at

    Movement Against the War in Vietnam

    May 6, 2012: A report on a proposed use of Boston University's biodefense lab in downtown Roxbury (NEIDL) for research on 13 or more of the most horrible diseases known to mankind
    On BU's National Emergent Infectious Diseases Laboratory
  • Boulder 1992 (html)Political Activism at the "Novelists of the Americas" conference, CU Boulder, September 1992
  • The Antiwar Movement in New York City, 1965-68
    As reported by an active participant. Translated and adapted from an article in "Les Temps Modernes", September 1968

  • Yugoslavia in the 90'sFrom Ferment, volumes IX and X

  • Oil, the balance of payments and war in the Middle East:
    The Cripple Factor

  • Symposium on the Kennedy Assassination Harvard University Nov 12-14,1993

  • Alexandr Yesenin-Volpin (doc Version)Russian mathematician and civil rights dissident
    (pdf Version)

    Yesenin-Volpin 2 (doc version)
    (pdf Version)

    Yesenin-Volpin 3(doc version)
    (pdf Version)

  • Welfare Reform in Connecticut 1995

  • History of the North End Housing Initiative:A report on the 8-year struggle of the North End Action Team to obtain decent living conditions for the residents of Middletown's North End.
  • Chapter 1:Introduction
    Chapter 2:NEHI
    Chapter 3:NEHI,2003
    Chapter 4:Conclusion

  • Fighting the Columbia Corporation nursing home chain, Cape Cod,1986-87 Goodbye Columbia (pdf)

  • May, 68 in France seen from a private school in the Compiègne Forest Pierrefonds

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