To him they stand as living proof that he can justifiably describe himself as a poet, writer, essayist and composer. In composition however, his training is so inadequate and his opus so elementary,that he generally avoids such calling himself such, lest he receive a commission with which he cannot possibly cope!
He has a few problems with poetry as well, but only when he's not visited by the gods.
(2) That Bad Bat, Video: Words and Voice Roy Lisker;
music Robbie and Sammy (1988)
That Bad Bat
(c)Rains, Softly Falling, Still
(d)Music, Drawn from Divine Springs
Chapter 3
The Religion of Trena-Practa
Chapter 7
The Funerals of the Aristocracy
(2) Amplitude of the Cosmos
(3) Three Weddings: A venture into in Surrealism
(4)The Music Lesson
from Hysteria and Enlightenment
(1) Love and Cosmology
Myth, Cosmos and Romance (1979)
(2) Syphilization and its Discontents: A'revisionist'De-Kunst-ruc-tion
(3)Rocking the Lyric Cradle:
A modern troubadour returns to 12th century France
(1)Nirvana, Art Song, Voice and Piano (1966)
Nirvana (html)
(2)Spring Brings No Joy(1970)
(3)Through My Window(1972)
(4)Guitar Etude
Bal Triste
(5)Guitar Etude