The Lyrical Garden

Into this folder the editor/author of Ferment Magazine has concentrated the works he's done that, in his estimation, are his most lyrical in each category.

To him they stand as living proof that he can justifiably describe himself as a poet, writer, essayist and composer. In composition however, his training is so inadequate and his opus so elementary,that he generally avoids such calling himself such, lest he receive a commission with which he cannot possibly cope!

He has a few problems with poetry as well, but only when he's not visited by the gods.


(1) Persephone: A Monody

(2) That Bad Bat, Video: Words and Voice Roy Lisker;
music Robbie and Sammy (1988)
That Bad Bat

(3)Five Matrix Poems:


(b)Golden Crowns

(c)Rains, Softly Falling, Still

(d)Music, Drawn from Divine Springs

(e)The Sound of Music

(4)A Political Matrix Poem:
(5) Concrete Poetry:
A Sparrow Spins
(6) Collage Poetry

Livre-Objet pour Joan Tower


(1) Two chapters from "Chronicles of Nin", the history of a dystopia
whose caste system is based on longevity

Chapter 3
The Religion of Trena-Practa
Chapter 7
The Funerals of the Aristocracy

(2) Amplitude of the Cosmos

(3) Three Weddings: A venture into in Surrealism

3 Weddings (pdf)

(4)The Music Lesson
from Hysteria and Enlightenment

Music Lesson(pdf)


(1) Love and Cosmology
Myth, Cosmos and Romance (1979)

(2) Syphilization and its Discontents: A'revisionist'De-Kunst-ruc-tion


(3)Rocking the Lyric Cradle:
A modern troubadour returns to 12th century France


(1)Nirvana, Art Song, Voice and Piano (1966)
Nirvana (html)

(2)Spring Brings No Joy(1970)

(3)Through My Window(1972)

(4)Guitar Etude
Bal Triste

(5)Guitar Etude

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